We are pleased to now be offering a Remote Consultation Service to New Zealand companion animal veterinarians. Our equine service is currently in-person only, but we hope to add remote consults in future.

The cost for an assessment is $150 including GST, which will be charged to your clinic. We expect your clinic to add your own consultation and consumables charges to the remote consult fee. If the client ends up coming for an in-person consultation subsequent to the remote one, the $150 paid for the remote consult will be subtracted from their initial consultation fee.

Remote assessment is most useful for conditions affecting the lids, conjunctiva or anterior segment of the globe. In cases with vision loss (including cataracts) and neurologic dysfunction we are less likely to be able to provide a definitive diagnosis remotely. However we think that remote assessment is still useful in these cases.

Some cases require referral level surgery for successful management, therefore your clinic may not be able to treat all cases as recommended in-house. We will however strive to provide you practical treatment options if the client is unable to travel for referral surgery.

The expected turnaround time is within 7 working days. If the case is urgent please check the box at the top of the referral form or include ‘urgent’ in the email subject line. We will triage these cases and get back to you as soon as we can.

High quality images of the eyes are very important for accurate assessment. On the left is an example of what we are looking for.

Some tips for attaining quality photos

  • Cell phones work quite well if used with the flash on.
  • Use a macro lens, or 2-3x magnification, depending on what is available on your camera.
  • Make sure the camera is focused on the iris or eyelids so the image is sharp.
  • Eyelids should be opened and the eye facing forwards directly at the camera. This may take multiple attempts.
  • Take images in a dimly lit environment. Windows should be covered to prevent too much reflection artefact.
  • If the eye is painful, apply topical local anaesthetic first for patient comfort.
  • If there are any specific lesions you are concerned about which don’t show up well on a straight view, you may submit additional photos of these.
  • Please also include a photo of the unaffected eye for our reference.
  • For those lesions that are difficult to photograph, use an accurate and specific description of the lesion.

We’ve tried to address some remote consult FAQs here.

To arrange a Remote Consultation please EITHER:

  1. Fill in the form below. Please note that the maximum image size the server will allow is 2MB per image. If your images are larger than this, please fill in and submit the rest of the form and then email the images to remoteconsults@peteyecare.co.nz with the pet’s name and client surname included in the email. The email should accept up to 20MB/message, if you are having trouble try sending one image per message, or upload the images via dropbox and let us know when you’ve done it so we can check the folder https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ditobxv2at601eeliu7th/h?dl=0&rlkey=284atbncalj7swy98j7ac3uun
  2. OR print, complete, scan and email this form https://peteyecare.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Pet-eye-care-remote-assessment-examination-sheet50158.pdf to remoteconsults@peteyecare.co.nz, along with the full clinical history, and images as above.

Remote Consultation Request Form

Please note we are no longer operating in Wellington, so any clients who would like surgery with us following remote consultation will need to travel to Hamilton.
Species, breed, sex, age
The report and any other communications about the case will be sent to this email address
If different to the above
Please give a brief history of the eye problem
Please include any ongoing medications the patient is on

Pupillary light reflexes

Use swinging light test. Video at https://youtu.be/ob44TrcfdfU

Menace response

Dazzle reflex

Perform with a bright white LED light, a cell phone torch works well

Tracking response (dogs)

Schirmer tear test (dogs)

Fluorescein testing

Irrigate the eye after application to remove excess stain
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Maximum image size for uploads here is 2MB. If your image file is larger than this, or you have any issues, please submit the rest of this form and then email the images to remoteconsults@peteyecare.co.nz (max 20MB/email) or upload via dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ditobxv2at601eeliu7th/h?dl=0&rlkey=284atbncalj7swy98j7ac3uun (use the patient’s name and client’s surname as reference)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Maximum image size for uploads here is 2MB. If your image file is larger than this, or you have any issues, please submit the rest of this form and then email the images to remoteconsults@peteyecare.co.nz (max 20MB/email) or upload via dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ditobxv2at601eeliu7th/h?dl=0&rlkey=284atbncalj7swy98j7ac3uun (use the patient’s name and client’s surname as reference)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
For invoicing purposes

Thanks for your remote consultation request

To help us provide quick and accurate information on this case, please ensure you have provided the following information, either via this form, email or dropbox:

  • -2-4 good quality photographs, including at least 1 photograph of each eye
  • -The patient’s full clinical history